About Us

Orange Grove poultry was born out of a passion for raising poultry. Going back to our childhood and raising our first flock of Rhode Island Reds as a FFA project (wouldn't we love to have that flock again today!).

Today OGP breeds and raises several breeds of poultry with genetics, health, vitality and APA standards incorporated in our vision.

  • A
    We look for the best of the breed we can find and breed up from there. This is a never ending journey which we enjoy.
  • B
    We like our poultry alert, active and out doing the things chickens, quail or pheasant do. Just looking like a bird is only part of it, they should act in a normal fashion as well.
  • C
    APA Standards
    One of our goals is to ensure we breed to maintain APA standards. We want our poultry to not only act like poultry but to have proper stature, overall configuration and look.
  • D
    All the genetics and breeding efforts don't mean a thing if you fail to maintain a healthy flock. This is our top priority at OGP.

Quality Checks at Different Stages

From day old chicks, we begin with immunizations, proper feed ratios, clean water with supplements to get our chicks off to the best start.

Once becoming adult poultry we maintain a mature feed ration, check our flock for parasites (internal and external) and constantly adjust for changing conditions.

On to juveniles, we continue to check, correct and actively maintain our flocks. This is an area where bad habits and other undesirable traits are often detected and culled.

Our breeders are our prizes. Without them there would be no OGP. They get the care needed to maintain a high fertility rate and a good rate of lay.

Bio Security

OGP maintains a bio security program for the protection of our flocks. We don't allow visitors in the vicinity of our flocks and we have our own internat measures. This helps the spread of disease, parasites and other issues from becoming a problem.

With all of the avian issues we face today, you absolutely have to maintain some type of bio security program. Without one, your run the risk of introducing devistating diseases from other locations into your flock. Not only can your birds die, the way in which they goes is often quite unpleasant. We urge everyone to protect their flock, large or small.

Make sure any poultry you purchase or hatch yourself get the proper immunizations. Much like wanting your children protected, that same attitude towards your poultry will make it a much more enjoyable experience knowing your flock is protected.

OGP will assist with any questions you may have for your flock to the best of our ability. Often health issues are hard to diagnose as there are many possible afflictions and those vary greatly within the different regions of the country.