Our Vision, To Produce Poultry Of The Highest Quality
Our goal at Orange Grove Poultry is to supply top quality poultry to our customers and assist them with growing their poultry as inexpensively as possible while maintaining the health of the flock as well as their productivity. The pages within the menu on the left will direct you to some specific age related information.

It is our belief that with poultry, cleanliness is probably the number one 'starter' of problems. If you have a dirty coop, often rodents are attracted, mites and lice propigate in large numbers and so on. Secondly, diet can have a huge negative influence on your flock if all their nutritional needs aren't met. Most commercial feeds meet the requirements but quality of feed comes into play. Sometimes a local brand is great stuff and surpasses the national brands. Sometimes the local stuff leaves a fair bit to be desired. It's up to you but quality feed can and does make a difference. Fresh water is a 24hr necessity. Having the ability to easily administer vitamins, probiotics, medicines is a big plus with some types of watering systems. And then some require constant, like many times a day, cleaning and water replenishment. This is a major chore for a lot of people and doesn't have to be. A closed system with nipples will ofter work perfectly in your setup. Investigate what's available and you can probably free up a fair bit of your time for other 'chores'.
We've said it many times within our information pages but the below items are absolutely essential to growing healthy, productive poultry. We'll keep saying it. Automated systems help cut down chore times as if all you need to do is take a quick look to make sure everything is ok then you've probably saved yourself some precious time. On the other hand, if you have a small flock, your total time caring for your poultry may be minimal and doing everything manually isn't a problem. Choose what works for you, tweak it and you'll be as happy as your poultry.
Cleanliness, required!
Quality feed and clean water, required! Make watering simple and chose a reliable automated system.
Sunlight and enough space, required!
More coming.....